What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana

One of the most controversial topics in America — right up there with gun control and religion — is the legalization of marijuana. Perhaps what makes the debate so complicated is that there are medical uses for marijuana, so to ban it altogether seems problematic. This might be the reason that so more and more people are not opposed to the use of medical marijuana. In 1997 only 62% of Americans approved of the use of medical marijuana if a doctor thought it would help a patient suffering from a serious illness. A recent study shows that these days, 83% …

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Three Omega 3-Rich Recipes Without Fish

Many countries and health organizations around the world recommend that people eat at least 500 mg of a type of fat called omega-3 fatty acid every day. This essential fat has a number of benefits for your brain and body: studies have linked omega 3 fatty acids to everything from reduced levels of depression to improved cardiovascular health and decreased inflammation. But while this fat is considered essential to human health, filling the recommended quota can be difficult for people who are allergic to seafood, live in areas where fish can be hard to come by, or simply don’t like …

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The Top Three Questions You Should Ask When Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist

Updated 4/11/22 Smiles are a part of how we relate to each other, share happiness, and express ourselves. When you feel self-conscious about the way your teeth look, it can undermine your self-confidence and lead you to withdraw a little bit in social encounters. Cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you want and the social confidence that comes with it. If you find yourself searching for “how to fix my teeth fast” and “how much is cosmetic teeth surgery” you might discover that cosmetic dentistry teeth shaving, whitening, and orthodontics can be cheaper and less invasive than you thought. …

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Red Flags You Need to Be Wary of When Choosing a Personal Trainer

It’s no secret that the United States is in the middle of a health crisis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a staggering 34.9% of Americans are obese, with many others falling into the overweight category. The growing obesity epidemic is extremely troubling for medical professionals across the country, not because of physical appearance, but because of the medical effects of being overweight. Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, several types of cancer, and a slew of other conditions. Luckily, there is some evidence that Americans are starting to wake up and change their lifestyles. For …

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The Top 5 Questions About Walk In Baths, Answered

You may have seen TV commercials or other ads for walk in baths, but still have questions about how these tubs actually work. If you’re considering a walk in bathtub, here are five questions you may be asking, along with their answers: What Are Walk In Bathtubs? Walk in bathtubs are deep tubs with doors that allow bathers to walk in and sit down, instead of climbing over the ledge and down as with a traditional bathtub. This reduces the likelihood of slips and falls, and makes it easier for people with physical limitations to bathe themselves with dignity, instead …

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Three Ways to Help Your Child Grow Up Healthy

One of the biggest health problems Americans face these days is obesity. This is a problem in itself, but it can also cause a number of other health issues. The thing about obesity is that it can start at a young age, and once it does it’s hard to stop it. In fact, 90% of obese adolescents are still obese in adulthood. The key to avoiding this is to get your child on the right track to a healthy lifestyle. Teach good habits One of the best things you can do to help your child grow up healthy and lead …

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Why Some Patients Prefer A Medical Walk In Clinic

When your doctor is not available, he may suggest an urgent care center. A type of medical walk in clinic, urgent care facilities offer treatment for patients who do not need an emergency room. It is always best to see your doctor, but when after hours treatment is needed, a medical walk in clinic offers many benefits. Quick Treatments When a patient visits a medical walk in clinic they will be able to be treated quickly and affordably. Staff is able to perform rapid tests while patients wait. There are on-site X-ray machines, which allow the image to be read …

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Three Strange Ingredients of Ancient Medicine

Throughout human history a number of strange and questionable medical treatments have been tested and prescribed to treat a wide array of ailments. Some of these odd tactics did yield effective results: for example, Alexander Fleming famously discovered Penicillin when he accidentally left out one of his samples, causing it to grow Penicillium mold, helping to create the famous antibiotic. However, many other medical practitioners weren’t quite so lucky: many historic treatments used to treat everything from muscle pain to arthritis joint pain have absolutely no root in scientific fact, and were often unappetizing to boot. Consider yourself lucky that …

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Do’s and Don’t for Choosing the Right Nursing Care Facility

Choosing the right skilled nursing care facility for your loved one can be a very difficult task. It is an emotional time for the whole family, and you just want to make sure you make the right decision, so that your loved one can live out the rest of their years in happiness and comfort. Make sure you re not overwhelmed by the process of selecting a skilled nursing care facility for your loved one, and just place them in the first facility you find. Do your research, and you will be satisfied that you have chosen the right skilled …

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The Basics of a Nose Job

When people think of a spa, they often imagine a certain type of service. Different types of skin treatments, like a chemical peel treatment, facelift and exfoliating body scrubs are a few of the things that probably come to mind. Medical day spas, on the other hand, offer these traditional skin rejuvenation techniques and more. Under the supervision of a licensed medical professional, medical spa services can provide cosmetic medical treatments, as well. One such treatment would be a nose job. Why Get a Nose Job> There are many different reasons that people want to alter the shape of their …

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