The modern human skeleton is unique in the animal kingdom, having key differences from other primates. Millions of years ago, our primate ancestors changed their lifestyle from tree-bound primates to hunters who ran and chased game, which required a different anatomy. The human skeleton has an S-shaped spine (rather than curved), an upright pelvis, long legs, and arched feet for a lifetime of walking upright. This has many advantages, though it is known to put a lot of wear and tear on the spine. A lifetime of walking upright means fighting gravity acutely, and this results in frequent back problems and spinal distress. Even today, many people suffer from back pain and similar issues, though many forms of non invasive medicine can help with this, such as chiropractic adjustment tools and functional assessment tools. A hospital’s staff may offer rehab tools and system such as stretch tests and motion capture cameras for range of motion testing on patients. How can chiropractic adjustment tools and more get the job done?
Back Pain and Its Causes
How often do Americans suffer from back pain, and why does it happen? Many surveys and studies are done to track the current state of American public health, and it is clear that back pain is still common today. One in three women and one in four men may experience it, and around half of all working Americans admit to getting back pain symptoms every year. In fact, experts have suggested that around 80% of all Americans will get back pain at some point in their lives. And at any given time, around 31 million people are experiencing back pain for one reason or another.
As for causes for all this pain, many have been identified. Years of hard manual labor, such as working in construction, may wear out the spine and back muscles, leading to pain. Pregnancy may cause spinal distress in pregnant women, and getting into an accident, such as a sports injury, can cause back pain as well. Some surveyed Americans even blamed ongoing stress for their back pain. And of course, the elderly often face high rates of back pain, since a lifetime of walking upright can wear out the spine and even cause it to collapse and bend over forwards. This may pinch nerves, distress muscles, and inflame joints while reducing flexibility. Fortunately, unless an injured spine requires surgery, some forms of non invasive medicine are available, such as a chiropractic adjustment tool. These methods may help a patient clear up their pain and restore flexibility.
Back Pain Treatment
If a patient suffered from an injury and is in the hospital, they may undergo physical therapy, or PT, under the guidance of physical therapists. A patient may practice walking and other motions, and the variety of PT tools may include stretch tests. The patient will stretch an elastic band as far as they can, which will show the therapist their current flexibility and muscle strength (and their pain threshold, too). A patient may also move while motion capture cameras track their movements, a useful reference for a therapist when they study the data on specialized software. That range of motion data can help determine a patient’s progress toward recovery.
Many victims with lower back pain or spinal problems may visit their physician and explain their symptoms, and in fact lower back pain is the second most common reason why Americans visit their doctor (with upper respiratory issues being first). The doctor may then refer their patient to a chiropractic office or a yoga studio for non invasive medicine. A chiropractor is a doctor who will use chiropractic adjustment tools and even their bare hands to adjust a patients bones and muscles, and doin this can relieve pressure on joints, muscles, and nerves to clear up pain. It can also restore the patient’s arcs of motion and flexibility. Patients may sign up for private yoga sessions, and they can perform a variety of stretches and poses to ease pressure on their muscles and nerves and restore their flexibility and ease pain. A patient may see these results after a number of yoga sessions like this.