Dealing With Chronic Pain in the Back or Joints

The human body is designed by many years of evolution for a lifetime of walking upright, making the human skeleton practically unique in the animal kingdom. Millions of years ago, our early ancestors adopted a running and hunting lifestyle, and this called for an upright body that included an S-shaped spine, arched feet, longer legs, and an upright pelvis. This gives humanity many natural advantages, but this also puts a lot of wear and tear on the body. Even today, many millions of people suffer from chronic pain around the world, and chronic pain ranks second among reasons why Americans …

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How to Handle Back Pain

The modern human skeleton is unique in the animal kingdom, having key differences from other primates. Millions of years ago, our primate ancestors changed their lifestyle from tree-bound primates to hunters who ran and chased game, which required a different anatomy. The human skeleton has an S-shaped spine (rather than curved), an upright pelvis, long legs, and arched feet for a lifetime of walking upright. This has many advantages, though it is known to put a lot of wear and tear on the spine. A lifetime of walking upright means fighting gravity acutely, and this results in frequent back problems …

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