A migraine headache can be debilitating. According to the Migraine Research Foundation more than 90% of sufferers are unable to work or function normally during their migraine. For many individuals, this has become an accepted way of life and they deal with the pain as best they can using pain medications and preventative medications. Over half (54%) of migraineurs experience one or more attacks per month and 13% claim one or more attacks per week. Beyond the burden of a migraine attack itself, having migraine increases the risk for other physical and psychiatric conditions. Migraines can cause depression (it is 3x more common in people suffering from severe headaches)and this can negatively affect relationships with friends and family too.
If you are looking for a non-pharmacological approach that sticks with your holistic lifestyle there are options. You can stay healthy, happy and migraine free by trying some of these natural remedies.
1. Common triggers include stress, insomnia and lack of sleep, hormonal changes, alcohol and diet and dehydration.
2. Rob Hobson, Healthspan Head of Nutrition has looked at how diet can help or hinder a migraine. ?Eating regularly is very important as one of the most common dietary factors is not eating regularly.If blood sugar levels drop, then the brain is not able to function properly due to the lack of glucose. The result of this is that blood flow to the brain is increased and nerve tissues become more sensitive to dilated blood vessels, which trigger a migraine.
3. Acupuncture can help ease headaches by making the body better able to resist or overcome illnesses by correcting energy imbalances. The World Health Organization recognizes more than 30 conditions, from allergies to tennis elbow, that the practice can help.
4. People use a variety of herbs for migraine and headache treatment and prevention. Before you try any herbs or supplements, talk to your doctor to be sure they?re safe for you and they won?t interfere with other medicines you?re taking.
5. If you want to stay healthy and prevent future migraines be sure to also incorporate stress relief practices (yoga, exercise, painting, reading, etc).
You will notice a healthier lifestyle will assist in both the mind and body feeling better. At least 50% of people suffering from migraines remain undiagnosed and undertreated and less than 50% of migraine patients consult a physician. It is never recommended to avoid the doctor completely if suffering from migraines that are impacting your day to day life but you can go to him with holistic treatment options to try first before going the pharmaceutical route. It is important to stay healthy (not just for migraine prevention!) and do what’s best for you and your body.