Calm Your Colicky Baby With Natural Remedies

When our newborn was awake, she was adorable. She nursed, slept and had periods of wakefulness that gave us time and space to go out in the stroller or a quick trip to the grocery store. Then at 4 p.m. every day, it all changed. She went from a doll baby to a unconsolable crying monster. There seemed to be no reason for the episode and there was no consoling her. We would go through the check list of possibilities and possible comforts: diaper change full stomach swaddle swing bouncy chair toys no toys music white noise pacifier car ride …

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Diet and Exercise The Age Old Life Prolonger

Being able to stay healthy as you get older is critical to your quality of life; how active you can be, what can of lifestyle you can maintain, how long you can live alone and even how long your lifespan is. Living a healthier life includes diet and exercise, not just one or the other. I agree, it would be much easier to just focus on one but unfortunately, both are very important. Taking brisk walks, engaging in low impact activities like swimming and golfing are great ways to keep active. Try and do something to get your heart rate …

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