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The Basics of STD Testing


Walk in health clinic

Many people are under the impression that the United States has a reliable and efficient health care system. While it’s true that we have the technology, not everyone can afford the best care. Aside from that, according to current data, the U.S. needs about 52,000 more primary care physicians by 2025 to meet our healthcare needs. Between our population growth and lack of physicians, our doctor’s offices are becoming more and more congested every day. Between 2003 and 2009, the mean wait time in ERs went up by a quarter, from 46.5 minutes to 58.1 minutes. What can we do to alleviate this issue?

It’s important to understand that testing for certain diseases, such as STD’s, does not need to be done in a physician’s office; STD testing centers are popping up all over the country. STD testing centers are extremely valuable and discreet locations where patients can simply walk in, get tested and get results within a day or two.

Keep in mind that in order to properly diagnose the issue, nurses in STD testing centers will need to ask their patients a number of questions related to sexual health before the testing is done. Before the test, nurses may ask questions about sexual history, how many partners a patient has had, etc. After the questioning process is complete, most STD testing centers will take a blood or urine sample or swab the appropriate area. This part will probably be unpleasant, but it’s absolutely critical in order to get a proper diagnosis. Follow the nurse’s instructions and you’ll be done in no time.

The cost of testing at STD testing centers can vary. If you’re looking for a cheaper solution, you do have options. There are solutions for STD testing at home, STD testing kits you can purchase, and there are even free STD testing centers that offer fast STD testing as well.

Of course, the best way to avoid the need to test for STDs is to always practice safe sex. Many STD testing clinics and other medical centers offer free or reduced price birth control. The problem with certain STDs is that they may not show any symptoms at all, but if you make sure to stay protected, your risk of contracting an STD is virtually negligible.

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