
If you have ever had to visit a cardiac surgeon and you have heard him or her discuss cardiac ablation, it is possible that you might over react to the phrase “vein ablation treatment.”

Ablation, however, is simply a word for getting rid of something. In the case of a hyperactive thyroid, for example, one possible treatment is to ablate the thyroid. While ablation is a strong sounding term, in the case of vein ablation treatment your doctor is taking about getting rid of the unsightly varicose veins they may have become noticeable on your legs. Vein ablation treatment, while it does involve your veins is treated by a physician, not a cardiac surgeon.

Varicose veins are caused by weak veins near the surface of the leg that stretch, bulge, and or twist. Varicose are often visible through the skin. While they are mostly a cosmetic issue if left untreated they can also be the cause of aches, dry, scaly skin, fatigue, leg sores, and swollen ankles. Because of the slight risk of possible further complications, some people consider vein ablation treatment.

This laser surgery, that is often also called radio frequency, is a minimally invasive procedure. You may be required to wear a special type of sock for a few days after the procedure, but the recovery is fairly quick. It causes little pain and leaves no scarring. The procedure takes about an hour and some patients see immediate results.

Varicose veins themselves are caused by a number of sources:
some are hereditary,
some are caused by being overweight,
some occur during pregnancy, but may disappear after the baby is delivered,
some are caused by excessive amounts of standing.

Healthy patients with varicose veins are eligible for vein ablation treatment. Women who are pregnant should wait to seek treatment until at least six weeks after giving birth. In many cases, varicose veins during pregnancy may fade.

If you do not yet have varicose veins the following suggestions may help you avoid them:
do not cross your legs too often,
avoid wearing high heels,
avoid standing for long periods of time,
avoid clothing that is tight around the calf,
elevate your legs when possible throughout the day.

While concerning yourself with heart disease, heart failure, and heart rhythm disorder is obviously a bigger concern, many people see vein ablation treatment as a necessary procedure. If, however, it is determined that the process is soley for cosmetic purposes, some insurance companies may not cover it.

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