What You Can Do About Low T

Low testosterone (otherwise known as testosterone deficiency or “low T”) is a serious medical condition that affects up to 13 million American men. Low T is characterized by an unusually low level of testosterone, which, medically speaking, is less than 300 ng/dL of total testosterone and less than 5 ng/dL of free testosterone. Without treatment, low T can lead to a decrease in muscle mass, lack of energy, increase in body fat, lowered libido, and depression. Several studies have also indicated that the condition can lower one’s life expectancy. Needless to say, low T is something that should be confronted …

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The Field Of Sports Medicine What You Should Know When Exercising Or Competing

If you’re into sports and fitness, you’re definitely going to want to keep reading — while running, biking, basketball or swimming can make you physically and mentally healthy and do everything from reduce illness to maintain a trim figure, they can also be the source of many an injury. Entire industries are created around minor issues like sprained ankles, pulled ligaments and sunburn and it’s no mystery why. While it’s comforting to know that there are many professionals and products available to help you, it’s even better knowing you can learn how to prevent most of these incidents from happening …

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