BioElectric Shields Stave Off EMF

The world we live in now presents us with so many different challenges. The technology we take for granted for day to day communication, entertainment, and work pose new challenges to our health and safety. Cell phones especially are distressing. Cell phones produce electromagnetic (EMF) radiation, and in increasing volumes as more cell towers go up around the country. This is a cause for concern, as this spread of towers means that children could potentially be exposed to 1,000 times more RP exposure in their homes and schools than what existed 25 years ago. In 2007, a study concluded that …

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Vein Ablation Treatment is a Safe, Fast Procedure for Getting Rid of Varicose Veins

If you have ever had to visit a cardiac surgeon and you have heard him or her discuss cardiac ablation, it is possible that you might over react to the phrase “vein ablation treatment.” Ablation, however, is simply a word for getting rid of something. In the case of a hyperactive thyroid, for example, one possible treatment is to ablate the thyroid. While ablation is a strong sounding term, in the case of vein ablation treatment your doctor is taking about getting rid of the unsightly varicose veins they may have become noticeable on your legs. Vein ablation treatment, while …

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