3 No Needle Wrinkle Reduction Treatments You May Not Have Known About

Laser liposuction arms

If you are looking for younger, smoother skin, you may have believed that your own option is Botox injections. You may have even researched the Dysport and Xeomin Botox alternatives, but you might have been dismayed if you want a no needle wrinkle reduction treatment. Many people are wary of using injections to change the appearance of their skin, so if you have the same apprehensions, you may want to consider other options.

However, there are other alternatives besides using injections and fillers for skin rejuvenation. If you’re in need of a treatment that will help you look younger and use no needle wrinkle reduction, you may want to try one of these three procedures:


Chemical Peels: A chemical peel is used in a procedure similar to a facial, where it will peel off the dead skin cells on your face. This leaves you with clearer skin and can even help reduce blemishes. It does not use any needles, and you can return to work right after you get this treatment done.


Laser Liposculpture: Similar to a treatment like laser liposuction, laser liposculpture is used for reshaping bodies and reducing fat along the face and neck. These types of treatments also provide skin tightening, which is ideal for those who have sagging jowls or double chins. This is an ideal treatment if you need more than wrinkle reduction for the face, too.


Facials: Getting a facial is similar to a chemical peel, but it can take many forms. Some spas offer photofacials, which use pulsing light and other cutting edge technology. Some facial treatments are gentler and ideal for those with sensitive skin who want minimally invasive procedures.

Have more questions about finding the right no needle wrinkle reduction treatment for your lifestyle? Make an appointment with a doctor to talk about how you can see a younger looking you in the mirror!

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