Is Back Pain Ruining Your Life?

Do you think you may need surgery to treat your back pain? Think again. There are many treatment options open to people that suffer from this type of pain. It is always a good idea to exhaust all non-invasive efforts before turning to surgery. You could save yourself from going under the knife, so to speak. Some back pain disorders can be treated with chiropractic acupuncture, yoga, exercise, and meditation. Back Pain Can Be Manageable According to Dr. Michael Sinel, back pain can be completely manageable while avoiding surgery. Over fifty million Americans suffer from back pain, with nearly 5% …

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Chronic Pain Conditions Can Lead to a Desperate Search for Relief

Your complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is in your left arm up into my neck. Typically a form of chronic pain that affects a leg or an arm, CRPS typically develops after a stroke, a heart attack, a surgery, or an injury. Some days even the slightest breeze hurts. It is why you wear long sleeves a lot. Even in the summer. When it is a high pain day, you do what you can to make it through. And while you hate telling someone you can do something and then canceling, this is sometimes the case. Pain medications help, but …

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