Behind Pain Management Methods You Might Not Have Considered

From auto accident recovery to surgery recovery to simple lifestyle, there are many ways in which pain can impact your life. Chronic neck and back pain are particularly common, with up to one third of all people in the United States alone dealing with issues of this nature. This means that up to 75 million, if not more, people are living with some level of neck pain, back pain, or a combination of the two. Unfortunately, there are many root causes of these types of pain. For one thing, lifestyle can play a huge role in the levels of back …

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Is Back Pain Ruining Your Life?

Do you think you may need surgery to treat your back pain? Think again. There are many treatment options open to people that suffer from this type of pain. It is always a good idea to exhaust all non-invasive efforts before turning to surgery. You could save yourself from going under the knife, so to speak. Some back pain disorders can be treated with chiropractic acupuncture, yoga, exercise, and meditation. Back Pain Can Be Manageable According to Dr. Michael Sinel, back pain can be completely manageable while avoiding surgery. Over fifty million Americans suffer from back pain, with nearly 5% …

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