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Has Your Spouse Been Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

It is very difficult to watch someone you love suffer. In today’s world, however, it seems that the number of mental health issues are escalating, and more and more families are struggling to find a way to help their loved ones find ways to cope. If a typical mental healthcare center has not been able…


Here’s How Ibogaine Therapy Can Break Your Addiction and Give You a New Lease on Life

Living with an opiate addiction can send your future into a tailspin, and most people don’t make it long enough to see how well they would have done if they could have just broken the habit. Unfortunately, breaking the habit is easier said than done, and every addict needs some help to truly start life…

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3 Common Ways People Fall into Opioid Addiction

Substance abuse is one of the most exceedingly growing problems currently plaguing society. Even though raising awareness of the problem is terribly important, exposure to drugs can come in so many different forms that it sometimes seems impossible to cover them all. In recent years, opioids have proven to be some of the most aggressively…


3 Reasons Lice Removal is Extremely Important

Head lice, or Pediculus humanus capitis as it’s known medically, is an obligate ectoparasite of humans. By definition they are wingless insects that spend their entire lives on the human scalp and feed exclusively on human blood. It kind of goes without saying, but preventing and getting rid of lice if you do get them…

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How You Can Help More Americans Follow the CDC’s Physical Activity Requirements

Being a fitness coach is fun, but it is also rewarding. The reality is that you offer can save lives. Consider the fact that just five percent of Americans exercise for half an hour or more a day or that less than a quarter meet the CDC’s physical and muscle-strengthening activity requirements. As a nation…

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Urgent Care Centers The Most Important Benefits

As more urgent care centers begin popping up across the country, many people have begun wondering: Is there really any difference between the emergency room and urgent care services? And what’s so special about urgent care clinics, anyway? First off, there is a pretty important difference between urgent care and a hospital department. Urgent care…

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Is Low Testosterone Treatment Right For Me?

As the male population in general has gotten older, doctors have been seeing more and more men who are complaining of lower energy, depression, chronic fatigue, erectile dysfunction and even overall weakness. While some of these may be symptomatic of sickness, for many it’s likely that low testosterone is the culprit. It’s been estimated that…

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The 3 Key Things You Must do to Lessen Chronic Pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, it’s time to take some steps to alleviate the pain that affects your everyday life. Although some diseases associated with chronic pain cannot be cured, there are ways to lessen the pain and get back to living happy and well. Here are the three most important things you can…

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The Hidden Dangers of EMF Radiation

Electromotive force, abbreviated to EMF, is the electrical potential for a source in a circuit, or the force that makes electrons move to produce an electric current. Young children especially are exposed to more EMF than the young children of 20 years ago. Some experts suspect the amounts are over 1,000 times more than before…

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Telemedicine The New Face Of Mental Health

In recent years, it?s become ? thankfully ? apparent in the health world that mental health is every bit as important as physical health. For that matter, neglecting your mental health often has a negative effect on your physical health. A total of 30-35% of the chronically ill population is believed to suffer from mental…