Providing Better Quality of Life to the Elderly with the Help of Senior Homes

Old age is a period of life that can be particularly hard to negotiate due to a number of reasons. If you have seniors in the family, it is likely that you already know the challenges that can start to appear with the advancement of age, and for seniors, these challenges can often make life difficult and significantly impact their quality of life negatively. Old age does not only bring a general deterioration of health and debilitation, it is also the time during which a number of health conditions and diseases might affect the most. Keeping this in mind, it …

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Choosing A Skilled Nursing Facility The Facts

It’s likely that at some point either we or someone we know will require the services of a skilled nursing facility. Often, patients are elderly, disabled or terminally ill. But anyone who needs 24-hour care can take advantage of what they have to offer. Statistically, women are three times as likely to be in a nursing home as are men. There are over 16,000 nursing care homes in the United States, with about a million and a half residents. And about 26% of skilled nursing facilities function on a non-profit basis. Of course, now that the baby boomer generation is …

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