Here’s How Ibogaine Therapy Can Break Your Addiction and Give You a New Lease on Life

Living with an opiate addiction can send your future into a tailspin, and most people don’t make it long enough to see how well they would have done if they could have just broken the habit. Unfortunately, breaking the habit is easier said than done, and every addict needs some help to truly start life anew. Ibogaine therapy is being used all over the world to help those with opiate addictions, and for good reason. Heroin (diacetylmorphine or diamorphine) was first synthesized in 1874 as a product of Bayer A.G., and ever since then, it’s been ruining millions of lives. …

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Ibogaine The Addiction Treatment That Will Change Your Life

As difficult as it is to accept, addiction has become a part of many people’s daily lives. You shouldn’t feel ashamed if you find yourself dealing with addiction; in fact, many addicts have confirmed that drugs are more readily available and less expensive than a six … pack of beer, with some reporting that a single dose of cocaine can cost $3. But you should recognize that you have a problem, and take steps to recover. One of the newer treatments gaining popularity is ibogaine, a detox treatment that allows you approach recovery in a gentler way than many other …

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