Many studies are conducted each year to track the current state of American public health, and the numbers show that both children and adults alike should get a little more exercise than they do. After all, good exercise, such as cardio, is how a person can burn calories and fat while developing muscle, and this applies to children, too. A child needs physical activity every single day, and this can keep them in shape and also boost their mental development (as studies show). In many cases, parents can allow their children to play in the back yard, or at a park. Many clubs and sports teams allow children to get exercise, and indoor playground equipment is another option. In cases where the weather doesn’t permit, for example, parents may find a commercial indoor jungle gym for their children to use. A kids indoor play structure can also be found in shopping malls, fast food restaurants, houses of worship, and more. A mall manager may look for an indoor play structures for sale to add to the family appeal to their mall, for example. Professional crews can then be hired to install that indoor play structure.
Children and Exercise
A mall manager looking for wholesale indoor play structures for sale may be doing today’s families a great favor, as many studies show that children today are too sedentary. The American Heart Association has set some public guidelines for exercise, and many of today’s children and adults alike fall short. The Association recommends one hour of physical play for a child, but many children do not get that exercise done. Meanwhile, the Sports and Fitness Industry Association has defined “physical to a healthy level” as 25 minutes of intense physical activity three times per week. but only one in three children in the U.S. meets that standard. What are children doing instead? In many cases, they are using electronic screens for hours per day, such as game consoles and TV sets and handheld game devices. This is nearly always a sedentary behavior, and it contributes to today’s high rates of child obesity. Fortunately, it’s never too late to reverse that trend for a child, and business managers may look for indoor play structures for sale to install in their buildings.
Buying Indoor Play Structures For Sale
As mentioned earlier, children often get exercise when they area taken to outdoor parks, where they can use the playground equipment, run around, use the swings, and even play sports out in the open. But sometimes, the weather may not be agreeable for this, or the family may run errands and there is no time to visit the park. So, the solution is to find indoor play equipment wherever the family is going. Fortunately, many businesses seek out indoor play structures for sale and install them, for the convenience of families. Such indoor playgrounds often have similar gear as an outdoor one, such as monkey bars, jungle gyms, slides, and much more, such as ball pits.
Where can parents find an indoor playground for kids? Some shopping malls may have them, complete with benches where parents and guardians can watch of the children a they play. This can be convenient for parents who need to get some shopping done in peace and quiet. Many houses of worship, such as churches and synagogues, also have indoor play gear like this as part of their day care programs, and they may have fenced-off outdoor play areas, too. A fast food restaurant may have a play area like this too, often in an annex that has large glass walls. Parents are urged to ask their children to wash their hands after using this play equipment.
Lastly, a fitness center or gym may have a few side rooms where children can get some exercise, or at least occupy themselves, while their parents are using equipment in the fitness center’s main area. Children might get hurt in the main workout area, so parents can conveniently allow their kids to stay safe in the kid-friendly rooms during their visit. Such rooms may have sports balls, small monkey bar sets, and the like.