Where to Go When it Happens to You

You never thought it could happen to you, but now it has: you wake up and something doesn’t feel right…down there. It could be an itching or a burning sensation that won’t quit; it could be angry red bumps or a strange smell. In any case, you haven’t felt anything like this before and you don’t know what to do. Your first thought might be to go to the ER — but this might not help. STD testing procedures are a necessary part of sex — whether it be a casual hookup or a long-term relationship, it’s important to take …

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Mobility and Accessibilty Help Wheelchair Users Live Fulfilling Lives

New mobility devices and high performance wheelchairs make it possible for people with disabilities and injuries to lead fulfilling and challenging lives. Accessibility and mobility make it possible for them to be self-reliant, and to live and work independently. Inclusive travel choices and excursions mean that individuals are no longer limited by disabilities but have a range of leisure and entertainment activities to enjoy. Living with disability and limited mobility The number of wheelchair users in the U.S. over the age of 15 years is estimated to be 3.6 million. As many as 2 million new wheelchair users are added …

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The Difference Between FUSS and FUE Hair Transplants

While balding and hair loss might be worrisome for men, it should be known that it is a common occurrence. Of 95% of men experiencing hair loss, male pattern baldness is to blame. By the time a man turns 35, there is a 66% chance that they will have some visible loss of hair; by age 50, nearly 85% of men will be struggling with significant hair loss and thinning hair. In the United States, there are about 35 million men that are experiencing hair loss of some kind. For those that are worried, the message is that you shouldn’t …

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Are You Experiencing a Hormone Imbalance? Learn More About the Benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

When men and women become older, they produce less hormones than when they were younger.. While this is a natural process of aging, some individuals may experience reduced hormone levels earlier than others. Furthermore, there may be a variety of symptoms that arise which can affect a person’s overall energy levels and well-being. Given this, they may choose to explore balanced hormone therapy, or hormone replacement therapy. Women and Lower Levels of Estrogen The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that a woman’s estrogen levels may begin to fluctuate when she is in her 30s and 40s. This is …

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From Reducing Rashes To Soothing Anxiety The Wonderful Uses Of Hemp Oil For Health And Wellness

When you think about it, we use oil for a lot of things. We use olive oil and vegetable oil to cook our dinner. We use vitamin-based oil to nourish our skin and protect against the elements. When you’re curious about an oil that can be used for a wide variety of purposes, all with the express benefit of bolstering your health, look no further than hemp oil products. These get a lot of attention not just for their lovely smell, but for their unique impact on your physical and mental health. Living a healthy life involves a lot of …

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Finding the Right Carbon Fiber Bike Saddles for Better Riding Comfort

Staying healthy and fit can make for an immensely fulfilling and exciting lifestyle. This is the reason why so many people take time out of their busy schedules and invest that time into activities that keep them healthy and fit. Cycling and long-distance biking have gained popularity over the years due to this very reason and if you are interested about these activities, that is a lot you can do to make your cycling and long-distance biking sessions more productive and comfortable. It all hinges on the right kind of equipment that you use and the kind of habits that …

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The Dangers Of Iodine Deficiency

The world of nutrients and vitamins is filled with perplexing facts and items. The average person probably does not know the random facts that surround what kind of nutrients they need for proper health. As a result, most do not know why people need iodine. Here are some of the facts on iodine deficiency and the importance of mineral nutrients and using iodine as a health supplement. Globally, 86% of the population has access to iodized salt. More often than not, this is the best way to properly consume iodine because of how easy salt is to apply to a …

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The Benefits Of Choosing a FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

Balding is common among men of any age, though it becomes more likely as men get older. However, there are ways to combat this balding in a permanent manner with no supplements, no toupes, and nothing that has been untested or unproven. Hair transplants have been around for decades, but a traditional hair transplant, what we all think of when we think of the outcome of a hair transplant can be cost intensive, time intensive, and not all that realistic looking. Fortunately, FUE hair transplant cost, though by some may be considered expensive, is well worth the investment. A FUE …

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What Can Substance Abuse Programs Do To Reduce The Number Of Overdose Deaths In America?

Addiction is on the rise in America. Statistics are showing a significant increase in the amount of drug overdoses across the country, which is nothing to say of the higher number of youth reconciling with the development of alcohol or heroin dependency. If you’ve been coming to terms with the nature of addiction yourself, there are resources available to help. Substance abuse treatment is a tried and true method that tackles the source of addiction and provides steady access to community resources to ensure you don’t relapse back into old habits. Even better? You can set the stage for a …

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Walk In Health Clinics Continue to Serve as an Effective Way to Meet the Needs of Many People

Flu season round two has arrived. Perhaps because of the long winter, many parts of the country are experiencing cases of the flu. And while the cold and flu season normally runs its course during the winter months, the fact that spring has been so slow to arrive this year means that the flu has been slow to leave. Whether you are looking for a way to make sure that you are ready for the cold and flu season or you find out whether or not you have strep throat, you do not have to wait to get an appointment …

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