The world of nutrients and vitamins is filled with perplexing facts and items. The average person probably does not know the random facts that surround what kind of nutrients they need for proper health. As a result, most do not know why people need iodine. Here are some of the facts on iodine deficiency and the importance of mineral nutrients and using iodine as a health supplement.

Globally, 86% of the population has access to iodized salt. More often than not, this is the best way to properly consume iodine because of how easy salt is to apply to a daily diet. One of the hardest parts of integrating nutrients and vitamins in your daily diet is figuring out how to do so in a tasteful manner. Luckily enough, iodized salt is a great way to do this!

The global market for Iodine is projected to reach 44 thousand metric tons by 2024. This is because the normal dietary iodine intake is 100-150 mcg/day. Over the next ten years, there will be more iodine moved around the world than ever before.

More than 70 countries throughout the world add iodine to their salt to try to prevent deficiencies. Again, this is the simplest way for most people to have access to fair prices when it comes to iodine. If they cannot properly consume iodine, they will suffer from the dangers of iodine deficiency. Here is why iodine deficiency is so dangerous!

Iodine Deficiency Can Hurt Your Health

Iodine health benefits from foods and items that provide iodine supplement benefits will prevent people from dealing with dangerous deficiencies. This is important because if the right amount of iodine is not consumed, great danger awaits. In some cases, it can develop into a serious health problem as well, unfortunately.

Dr. B.A. Eskin published more than 80 papers over a 30 year period showing that iodine deficiency was linked with an increased risk of both breast and thyroid cancer. Cancer is a medical issue that is serious enough to grab the average citizens attention as it should. So that is one strong reason to avoid a deficiency in iodine that leads to dangerous health risks.

Iodine Deficiency Is A Global Problem

Iodine levels have decreased by 50 percent in the past three decades. This is not good because it will easily lead to a deficiency in iodine and as previously mentioned, there is a tremendous amount of danger here. It is important that the entire globe has fair access to iodine to avoid the dangers that come with a low level of iodine.

The WHO states that 72% of the population worldwide has an iodine deficiency. Worldwide, iodine deficiency remains a public health problem in 47 countries, and about 2.2 billion people, which equates to 38% of the world’s population, live in areas with iodine deficiency. No one should have to deal with the dangers of iodine deficiencies and thus, it is imperative that the world works to spread this mineral nutrients across the globe!

In Conclusion

iodine deficiency can easily be avoided by using iodine salts and by implementing this type of mineral nutrient into a daily diet. That way, citizens can avoid the hazardous health problems that come along with this!

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