Exercise is an integral part of life for many Americans today. Whether it’s a daily walk, a bi-weekly run, or a weekly visit to the gym, the core reasons why people exercise vary widely. The desire to attain attractive physiques, primarily motivates younger people. A typical male longs for a pristinely contoured body featuring an immaculate six-pack and an array of bulging muscles.
The average woman, on the other hand, will exercise to realize a well-toned curvy physique. Regardless of gender, aesthetically-oriented exercise routines will target specific muscle groups in the body. Examples include exercise routines targeting muscles in the arms, chest, abdomen, neck, upper back, upper thighs, and so forth.
More practical health concerns usually motivate older people. Health-oriented exercise routines typically include aspects of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The reason being, HIIT workouts are great for cardiovascular and other age-related health concerns. HIIT elevates the metabolic rate, which enables the body to burn high-calorie volumes within short time durations. This feature of HIITs makes it suitable for candidates with weight-loss related objectives.
Whether you are looking to do weight training or HIITs you will need the right equipment for your home gym.
The Ideal Home Fitness Equipment List
A standard gym usually has a vast range of exercise equipment ranging from body-part-specific equipment to multi-functional one-of-a-kind devices. What follows is a discussion of the two categories and relevant examples in each.
1. Weight Training Equipment
The fitness equipment in this category makes use of varying weights to exercise various muscles in your body. A significant advantage is that you do not require a lot of floor space to use most of the equipment in this category. Dumbbells are probably the most common home weight training equipment. The Kettle-bell is also quickly becoming a must-have gym equipment item.
Having a set of dumbbells allows you to carry out many torso-focused exercises. The dumbbell bench press is one such exercise. In this exercise, you use the dumbbells as support as you lower and lift your body laterally to the floor. Kettle-bells bench presses work in the same way as dumbbell bench presses. Bench press exercises build up strength in your arms, chest, and abdomen.
Kettle-bells also allow you to exercise the lower part of your body because they are ideal for squats. This way, Kettle-bells enable you to carry out a comprehensive whole body workout. Other dumbbells and Kettle-bell exercises include the biceps curl, triceps kickbacks, and myriad other easy home exercises. A sports store is not complete if dumbbells and Kettle-bells are not part of its inventory.
The barbell is the last item in this category. It is a stainless steel rod that allows you to attach matching weights at the ends. The paired weights vary and can reach a combined weight of 700 lbs. It is advisable to begin with a comfortable weight pair, then work your way to heavier weights. This particular item is ideal for building up muscles in the upper and lower body. You can find the right barbell and weight set at any major sports store.
2. High-Intensity Interval Training Equipment
Fitness equipment in this category allows you to attain and sustain a high metabolic rate over a short time interval. The treadmill is an excellent example of fitness equipment suited to HIIT workouts. Other equipment in this category includes stationary bikes and resistance-row machines. The treadmill and stationary bike allow you to build up lower-body resistance. A resistance-rowing machine enables you to strengthen muscles in your shoulders, arms, and back. A mainstream sports store or a home fitness store should provide you a wide range of choices for all three examples of HIIT fitness equipment.
In Conclusion
Other viable home gym fitness items do not fall into either of the two categories mentioned above. These items, related to yoga, are used in light exercise regimens aimed at relaxation and well-being. Yoga-oriented fitness equipment includes yoga mats and balls. A notable sports store should stock all the essential fitness equipment you need for your home gym.