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How Do Laparatomy Sponges Maintian Clinical Cleanliness?

Medical technology advances rapidly, and doctors and patients alike take all kinds of procedures for granted that would have been unthinkable even ten years ago. Many types of medical sponges make surgery safer and help recovery. For example, laparotomy sponges are essential for surgery and preventing contamination and infections. Medical sponges should be stored and…

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Five Things That a Happiness Coach Does to Help You Achieve Your Dreams

Have you ever thought of visiting a happiness coach? Maybe the idea of happiness coaching sounds like hippy dippy phony bologna to you. We don’t blame you, without understanding what a happiness coach really is, it’s easy to make that assumption. However, the more people make their dreams a reality with the guidance of happiness…

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Three Tips for Hiring In-home Caregivers

Are you looking for assistance at home? If you recognize that hiring elder care assistance at home for yourself or for a loved one, you’ve already gotten through the toughest hurdle. You’ve been independent your entire adult life, coming to terms with the fact that you can’t do the things you used to, and that…

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Reduce Your Risk of Stroke and Heart Disease–Use Your CPAP Machine as Prescribed

Did you recently take a home sleep test for sleep apnea? If you’ve discovered that you do have sleep apnea as a result of taking this home sleep test, it’s important that you consult with your physician for their sleep related medical equipment recommendations. Your physician will likely recommend a CPAP machine, and it’s important…


Issues Addressed by Pediatric Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctors

Unfortunately, many infants are born with a variety of issues such as congenital abnormalities of the ear or cleft palates. Even when children are born without these issues, they can still develop other health conditions and illnesses as they become older. Hearing Loss On an annual basis, approximately 40,000 babies are born with sensorineural hearing…


5 Ways to Make Sure Your Child Isn’t Afraid of the Dentist From Day 1

Trips to the dentists bring anxiety out in many people, children especially. When children are still young, they often don’t know what to expect during a trip to the family dentist, which causes them to become nervous and fearful. Many of these feelings come as a result of others’ feelings. As a parent, it is…

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Chronic Childhood Illness There Are Solutions Available

It’s always difficult when your child is sick. Even if all your child has is a cold, you will worry and wonder about their health to an outrageous extent — and that’s a part of being a good parent. But when your child has a health issue that is more serious, those worries start feeling…

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Ill or Injured After Hours or on the Weekend? Maybe an Urgent Care Center Is the Place to Go

Most of us have experienced something like this. It is 6:30 pm on a Friday and your seven year old daughter fell playing soccer. She hurt her left knee, what do you do? Or, it is 2:00 pm on Saturday and you fell racing down a tennis ball. You got to it in time but…