What is Vision Therapy?

As you get older, things become a little less clear. No matter how many carrots you eat, you can always find yourself going to the nearest convenience store to buy the cheapest pair of reading glasses you can find. The thing is though, what if you could prevent some of that damage? This is where vision therapy services come into play. We’ve heard of physical therapy, and even therapy for the mind, but vision therapy is revolutionary in the sense that a lot of it is attempting to be preventative. Video Source If we could prevent some of the normal …

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What Should You Know About Breast Implants Before Your Procedure?

In this YouTube video, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration looks at breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation involves manipulating the size of breasts using surgery. Video Source Breast implants come with smooth and textured surfaces and are most commonly filled with saline or silicone. A qualified doctor can help a patient choose between the different types. All breast implant types have considerations that should be evaluated: Breast implants are not lifetime solutions and may require more than one surgery. Only qualified, licensed surgeons should perform this procedure. A patient should ask about what will happen before, during, and after the …

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Downsizing Your House Tips to Make Your Move Easier

There comes the point for most people when they want to downsize their house. There are many different reasons why people downsize. Each individual has their own end goal. These goals range from saving money, reducing space, and moving to a new location. Regardless of the reason for you, there are some steps you can take to make this process easier. Downsizing can be a great way to improve your life, but the actions you take to get there may be stressful. Continue reading this article to find out all the ways you can make downsizing easier for yourself. Do …

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This Assisted Living Facility Resembles a Small Town From the 1930s

This video provides a great example of how controlled environments can be structured to make life better for patients living with dementia and Alzheimer’s. The video describes an assisted living facility in Ohio that’s modeled from a town in the 1930s and 40s. The facility features interior corridors designed to look like tiny homes, complete with front porches and porch lights that turn on every night. The corridor floor is painted green so that residents feel like they’re looking out on a golf course as bird-chirp sounds play in the background. This faux scenery is made more real because of …

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