Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Are Some Of The Most Common Disorders In America Why?


Phase 1 drug trials

Sleep is a necessary function of our everyday lives. When you lack sleep, you lack the natural resources needed to live your best.

Some people are unable to get consistent sleep no matter what they do. They toss and turn. They turn to over-the-counter sleep medication to cut into insomnia. They even seek out professional help when all hope seems lost. The function of a PSG study is to analyze the nature of our brains when it comes to sleep, providing researchers with the knowledge they need to create medication and treatment therapies for a large portion of the population. Should you be wondering how a clinical trial works, or whether or not a PSG study would be beneficial to you, the list below will go into greater depths about the strides the medical industry is making.

How Sleep Impacts Adults And Children

How do you feel after a night of troubling sleep? Do you have trouble concentrating or remembering basic tasks? What about mood swings and sudden irritability? Without consistent, restful sleep it’s impossible to live your best life and commit to your work or study week. Adults are recommended by most sleep doctors to receive seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Children need a little more at eight to nine hours of sleep, while newborns can sleep anywhere from 10 to 18 hours per day. A lack of sleep once in a while is perfectly normal, but consistently throughout the week could become a disorder.

Sleep Apnea

One of the most common sleep disorders is sleep apnea. It’s estimated over 18 million Americans have some form of this disorder, with the more severe the cace the more severe the side-effects. Sleep apnea is characterized by ‘apneas’, or interruptions, that get in the way of steady sleep. A severe sleep apnea sufferer, for example, can experience as many as 60 apneas in a single hour. Sleep apnea sufferers have been found to have a higher risk of stroke and early onset heart disease than those without the condition. They are also more likely to get in a car crash than those without sleep apnea or a sleeping disorder in general.

Severe Insomnia

Another sleeping disorder you may be familiar with is insomnia. When you have trouble either falling asleep or staying asleep you likely have this condition, caused by a few different factors depending on the individual. Chronic stress is a common one, with anxiety disorder and depression another. While some people turn to simple lifestyle changes to curb their sleepless nights, such as cleaning their sheets more often or doing relaxing activities before bedtime, some insomnia requires the aid of medication and therapy to truly reverse. This is where the clinical trial and the PSG study comes into play.

Today’s Demand For The Clinical Trial

How do we have so many useful and varied medications available today? Look no further than the clinical trial. These are the lifeblood of the medical industry, allowing researchers to analyze the side-effects and impact of their new treatment methods on small to large portions of volunteers. Phase 1 drug trials are the first step of a long and thorough process that needs to be adhered to rigidly if it is to progress and gradually reach FDA approval, with the drug or treatment method applied to a small group that only gets larger with the phase 2 clinical trial and onward.

The Future Of The PSG Study

It’s through the PSG sleep study we are able to provide millions of American adults and children the support they need to finally gain restful sleep. Restful sleep isn’t just frustrating and tiring. It can make you sick, affect your work and even increase your risk for life threatening conditions. Today’s working American is more stressed out and exhausted than ever, meaning the function of the PSG study will not likely fall out of favor any time soon. It’s through the everyday efforts of volunteers that clinical trials are able to go as far as they can.

Clinical research organizations in USA are always receiving volunteers. Could your participation turn the tide on sleepless nights?

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