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How Vacuum Pump Therapy Is Proving To Be The Number One Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction


Vacuum pump devices for erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a disorder that sees a lot of false information swimming around. One medicine claims you can fix it with a quick pill. Others say it’s impossible to cure. When it starts affecting your self-esteem and harming how you view everything from your marriage to your ability to conceive, it’s time to start digging around for facts. The best treatment for ED is considered to be vacuum therapy. If this is new knowledge to you, a glance at the quick list below will help you figure out just where you stand on the road to a life without erectile dysfunction.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Sometimes shortened to ‘ED’, erectile dysfunction is a disorder characterized by a man’s inability to either create or maintain an erection. The American medical device industry is currently valued at $145 billion and is expected to exceed $170 billion over the next two years. More doctors than ever before are searching for the very best treatment for ED. As of right now? There are a few options you can turn to that provide results instead of promises.

How Many Have Erectile Dysfunction?

It can be frustrating, even embarrassing, admitting you have erectile dysfunction. This disorder, however, is very common. It’s estimated there are as many as 30 million reported cases of ED in the country. According to a study recently published by the Cleveland Clinic, at least 40% of men over the age of 40 are affected by ED. Additionally, a similar study also found 70% of men over the age of 65 are affected.

What Causes This Disorder?

There are multiple sources that contribute to erectile dysfunction. Artherosclerosis (also known as a hardening of the arteries) accounts for at least half, if not more, of all ED cases in men over the age of 60. Recent studies have also seen erectile dysfunction involved in at least one out of every five failed marriages. A common consensus shared by men struggling with ED is feeling as if they are ‘letting down their partners’ because they can’t remain ‘sexually satisfying’.

What Other Frustrations Are Caused By ED?

Ongoing studies are provided by medical centers to better gauge the long-term effects of erectile dysfunction. According to a survey provided by the New York Times, nearly 15% of marriages are sexless. This same study also found the top three most important qualities of marriage, as provided by respondents, are companionship, sex and love. A natural remedy for erectile dysfunction is available for you to try and is more likely to provide you results than shady pop-ups.

What Treatment Options Could Work For Me?

The best treatment for ED is widely considered to be the vacuum pump. Vacuum pump devices for erectile dysfunction achieves a few different results through a simple procedure — consisting of three parts, these are designed to help a man maintain an erection for up to 30 minutes at a time. A clear plastic tube is placed over the penis, with a band around the base of the penis, and either a pump or a battery is used to power the device. Studies have shown as many as nine out of 10 men with ED can still enjoy sex after using a vacuum pump.

You don’t have to live with erectile dysfunction. Consider using vacuum therapy for ED and live instead with superior results.

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