The Importance of Activity As We Grow Older

As our parents grow older we worry about if they are happy and healthy. We want them to be because they raised us and took care of us when we were small and weak. Its only fair that we take care of them as they grow and ironically become smaller and weaker. That said, the key towards making sure that our parents are happy and healthy is to make sure that they stay as active as possible. Being active is actually the key to being happy in our older age. For instance, studies have found that senior citizens in their …

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The Explosion of Proton Therapy

The way that we treat cancer is going through a massive change, and hardly anyone?s heard about it. Proton therapy, a new, highly targeted form of radiation therapy, has become so a sought-after that there simply aren?t enough clinics to accommodate the demand. While proton therapy has been around as early as the mid-nineties in the US (and even further back in Europe), it has only recently begun to become widely known, if it is still not widely available. What separates proton therapy from the older, more conventional forms of radiation therapy is the ability to zero in on a …

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