Are you one of millions of women who are infertile? If so, there’s no reason to feel ashamed, alone, embarrassed, or even frustrated. While these and many more feelings are quite natural to experience when facing such a trying condition, advances in modern medicine have given way to a plethora of highly effective and non-invasive infertility procedures and infertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization, also commonly referred to as IVF treatments.
Fertility is a fact of life that has both fascinated and perplexed mankind since the beginning of time, with the creation of myths of many prominent ancient civilizations centered around fertiliy and conception. Unfortunately as time as gone on, rates of infertility have increased, a fact which seems quite ironic considering infertility doctors and specialists understand more about conception and fertility today more than ever.
So what’s the cause being steadily increasing rates of infertility?
While there are several factors which may cause a man or a woman to become infertile, poor diets have linked to infertility. The standard American diet, which is packed full of artificial ingredients, synethetic compounds, hormones or hormone replicators, hydrogenated fats, sodium, and more, is thought to contribute to causing seemingly healthy individuals to become infertile.
As the prominence of genetically modified foods such as corn and soy — both of which are staples in the standard American diet — increase, so too do cases of young, healthy men and women becoming infertile. Artificial and synthetic compounds found in many of today’s “food-like products” sold in grocery stores are especially taxing on the human body. The majority, if not all of these compounds, were never meant to be processed by the body’s organs which in turn can lead to chronic disease, inflammation, and you guessed it- infertility.
Though there are bou and to be plenty of men and women who adhere to a strict organic diet and still suffer from infertility, steering clear of these harmful substances is an excellent way to begin ensuring you’re in the best reproductive health possible. Furthmore it’s always a good idea to maintain regular check ups with your primary care physician, urologist, or gynecologist to stay up to date on your reproductive health.