How to Protect Your Home from Mold

Mold can be a big problem for a lot of people. It is responsible for the production of at least 200 toxins. These mycotoxins can negatively impact people?s health. In the United States, asthma is one of the most common respiratory illnesses affecting children. This serious, chronic condition can be triggered by mold that is commonly found in homes nationwide. Some experts at the National Resource Defense Council has suggested that approximately 131 million people across the country breathe bad air all the time. If you find mold in your home, you will want to find a company to help …

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Why You and Everyone Else Should Be Talking About Chiropractic Benefits

Did you know that not all medicine is created equal? In Western medicine, as in the majority of what are known as developed countries such as the Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, the focus tends to be on traditional or reactive medicine. In many if not all medical cases, disease, also known as dis-ease amongst many homeopathic and naturopathic medicine practitioners, is not treated until it’s onset. While advances in treatments and medical technology have extended human life expectancy to the late 80’s, with the ability to live until the ripe age of 100 becoming quite common, …

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