According to the CDC, visits to the emergency room spike every summer. It’s not a surprise, really, considering how there are many activities — especially very active ones — that we only tend to partake in when it’s warm.
This summer, if you accidentally burn yourself while starting up the grill, or twist your ankle while running a sack race, you may want to consider visiting an urgent care center rather than an emergency room, if the issue is not life threatening. Here are four ways an urgent care facility can help you out this summer.
1. The Lawn Mower Injuries
Cutting the grass might be fragrant, and a welcome sound after winter’s snow blower, but it’s not always the safest activity. About 80,000 Americans need hospital treatment every year thanks to lawnmower incidents. Most of the time, the problem is rocks and sticks shooting out of the lawnmower. An urgent care center can help treat minor injuries and scrapes, and can give you stitches if the cut is deep enough.
2. Poison Ivy
It’s fun to go on a hike in the woods, enjoying the sun and the wilderness — until your leg accidentally scrapes against that notorious vine, poison ivy. This rash will typically need four to six weeks to subside and there’s little you can do. However, a doctor can prescribe anti-itch medications and lotions to help with the pain.
3. Falling Off the Swing Set
Children account for over 2 million emergency room visits each summer, and it’s no surprise really considering the daredevil stunts many of them are willing to try. If your child tries flying off the swing, or jumping off the top of a car, a broken bone might be the result. Most urgent cares are adequately equipped to handle both broken bones and sprains.
4. Picnics and Perishable Food
You’d be surprised at how many people end up sick after a wholesome picnic. Many people ignore that keeping chicken and beef in tupperware, yet allowing it to sit in the sun for two hours, isn’t really practicing food safety. If you end up with a stomach ache or food poisoning after a picnic, an urgent care can help get you better before long.
If you get injured this summer, will you visit an urgent care facility? Let us know in the comments. See more.