Three of the Very Common Foot Ailments You Need to be On the Lookout For

When it comes to your health, you can never be too careful. You have to always be on the alert for warning signs when they arrive and address them early. This applies to your feet, too! Here are three common foot problems you may want to ask your pediatric podiatrist, or foot doctor, about if you detect them: 1. Athlete’s Foot Athlete’s foot is a very, very common cause of foot pain in young males. Almost a fourth of all Americans will experience athlete’s foot in their lifetime! It is characterized by small fissures in the skin of the feet …

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Depression and Your Long-Term Health

You have been feeling down for years, and you find yourself asking what are the symptoms of depression? If you find it hard to get through the day, you might be exhibiting clinical signs of depression. Do not let depression get you down. Know what are the symptoms of depression and get your life back. The first signs of depression can occur at a young age. Life events that may precipitate depressed mood include childbirth, financial difficulties and job problems. Certain medications are known to cause a depressed number of patients. Depressed mood can be the result of a number …

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Three Dangers You Should Avoid While Picnicking This Summer

What does summer say to you? For many people, summer means sunlight, warm temperatures, pool visits, and of course, picnics. “Nothing’s better than a picnic,” as actress Zooey Deschanel aptly summarizes. While picnics might be a lot of fun for both families and friends, there is something you should consider: they can be dangerous too. For some people, memories of a picnic include an urgent care facility. While most picnics will get you by risk-free, food poisoning lurks, and about 12 million Americans experience illness as the result of eating bad food each summer. Urgent care centers often end up …

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