Do You Have Acne Scarring? Why More Adults are Undergoing Scar Revision Surgery

If you are an average American adult, chances are that you’ve picked up a few scars along the way. You may have fallen off your bicycle when you were a kid, been in a few minor car accidents, and fallen in the ice and snow. If you still have substantial scarring from any of your accidents, you may want to talk to a doctor about scar revision surgery. Doctors want patients to know that there are several types of scars that may respond well to scar revision surgery, and that they can offer a variety of payment options. Some scars …

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The Two Most Popular Hair Restoration Procedures Compared

There are around 35 million men enduring hair loss or baldness in the U.S. alone. For 95% of them, the hereditary disease Androgenetic Alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness (MPB), is the cause of their hair loss. In fact, genetics are the cause of 95% of hair loss among both men and women. For the other 5%, hair loss can be due to any number of things from stress to illness, diet, or medications. Whether genetics are the root cause (pun intended) of your problem or not, hair restoration procedures can be the answer to your balding and …

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