CPAP Therapy And Used CPAP Machines

Sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and restarts, affects approximately 18 million Americans, with around 1 in 50 cases going undiagnosed. It can be a potentially dangerous medical issue if left untreated, correlating with heart problems, high blood pressure or stroke. There are three main types of sleep apnea, the most common of which, obstructive sleep apnea, is related to the relaxation of throat muscles. The airway becomes narrowed, causing snoring and other issues. Treatment starts with, most likely, a sleep study, called a polysomnogram. Conducted overnight at a special facility, this study records brain …

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5 Methods to Overcoming Sleep Apnea

While sleep apnea can be potentially dangerous there are treatments and was to overcome either with or without a sleep apnea machine or one of the types of cpap masks. While the machine is beneficial and can be prescribed by a doctor after a series of sleep studies, cpap replacement parts are not cheap sleeping with all that head gear can be uncomfortable. If you are truly dedicated to getting better, there may be a few things that you can do to facilitate that. Here are a few ways that you might be able to overcome sleep apnea without having …

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