If you’re looking for care from the top doctors, consider going to your nearest urgent care center. As of recently gathered data, urgent care clinics now staff at least 20,000 top doctors, a number that is growing and growing as time passes on. After all, upward of three million patients are served by top doctors at these urgent care locations over the course of just one week, totally to nearly 90 million served over the course of the year.

In an urgent care setting, top doctors can provide urgent care treatment that perhaps even exceeds what you would think of when you think “urgent care.” After all, four urgent cares out of every five can actually provide both diagnosis and treatment for fractures, something that might come as something of a surprise to many. Ankle sprains can, of course, also be treated in the urgent care setting. With up to 25,000 of them occurring over the course of a single day, top doctors in walk in clinics are well versed in the care of a sprained ankle, most of which (more than three quarters, to be more specific) are caused by a simple inward rolling (an inversion).

In addition to treating injuries, various illnesses can also be handled through the expertise of the top doctors and walk in health clinics. For instance, the flu can be treated and even prevented through the work of the typical urgent care center. Getting your flu shot is something that is easy to do and very, very safe. And you can get your yearly flu shot at your nearest urgent care facility. Though most urgent care locations won’t have flu shots for kids under the age of 7 available, flu shots will be stocked for adults, elderly people, and even pregnant women. Therefore, a quick trip to visit the top doctors at the typical walk in medical clinic location can give you access to preventative medical care.

The cost of the flu is a high one, after all, over $11 billion for the typical year here in the United States alone. Part of this is due to hospital costs for those who end up hospitalized as a result of the flu. But in addition to this, lost work hours factor into this overall cost immensely, with up to 17 million hours of work lost to the flu in a typical flu season and year. Unfortunately, those who don’t get the flu shot are even more at risk for missing long periods of work, thanks to the fact that the overall severity of the flu can be lessened when the flu shot is received even if the flu shot is never 100% effective at fully and completely protecting against the flu.

Going to an urgent care center and getting the help of top doctors can also be ideal for an issue with infection. Various types of infection, after all, are quite common. The ear infection is an example of this, as children in particular are prone to the ill effects of ear infections. Fortunately, most ear infections can be treated quite simply with a round of antibiotics. In addition to this, urinary tract infections are also very prevalent, with more than eight million people diagnosed with a UTI over the course of a single year. Unfortunately, women are particularly prone to UTIs, thanks to biological differences with men. It is up to 30 times more common for a woman to sustain a UTI than a man. But while UTIs can be very painful, they are also typically quite easy to treat. After all, it is again a simple course of antibiotics that can eradicate it completely.

At the end of the day, going to an urgent care center is something that is becoming more and more common throughout the United States. Since the year of 2000, urgent care locations have sprung up all throughout the United States. In the years that are ahead of us, urgent care locations are only likely to grow more popular and more prevalent than ever before, thanks to the aid of top doctors now staffing urgent cares and walk in clinics all throughout the country.

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