What You Need to Know About ADD and ADHD
If you are someone (or know someone) who struggles to focus, you have come to the right place! Individuals that have difficulties focusing on their work (such as school, assignments, tasks etc.) are often suffering from ADD or ADHD. Luckily, there are a number of assessments (such as ADD testing, ADHD testing, and neuropsychological testing), which can help identify if you or a loved one are suffering from ADD or ADHD. In order to learn more about the types of tests available, as well as the impact of such a diagnosis, continue reading below!
1. ADHD is far more common than you might think, so don’t let a diagnosis scare you.
When it comes to ADHD, the diagnosis is fairly common, as it’s a disease that impacts a number of people. That said, it is especially common among children, as that is when doctors tend to notice it. Specifically, an estimated 6.4 million American children between the ages of four and 17 have received an ADHD diagnosis. This is important to understand, as this could help explain certain behaviors in a child, so be sure to pay close attention in order to look for warning signs. If you think you know a child that may have ADHD, consider consulting a doctor for a neuropsychological evaluation in order to obtain a proper diagnosis.
2. Certain groups of people are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, so pay close attention!
Speaking of children, be sure to look extra carefully for warning signs among young boys. Boys are approximately three times more likely to receive an ADHD diagnosis than are girls (13.2% vs. 5.6%). It is important to keep this in mind, as it could help explain some rambunctious behavior among young male children. Luckily, a cognitive assessment or a neuropsychological evaluation can help identify ADHD and help you or your loved one obtain a diagnosis. Most importantly, don’t let a diagnosis ruin your life as there are many helpful tools to combat ADHD tendencies.
3. An ADD diagnosis can lead to various side effects, so be sure to listen to your body.
Much like children, adults can also suffer from attention disorders. In adults, ADD is very common and individuals that suffer from ADD are approximately three times more likely to suffer from various issues (such as stress, depression, or other emotional problems). Such side effects can often result in adults needing to miss work. In order to prevent an individual from missing work, it is imperative that a diagnosis is given as soon as possible in order to help an individual get access to various tools that can combat ADD. If you are an individual who is suffering from ADD or if you think you might have ADD, consider reaching out to a neuropsychologist who could administer a neuropsychological evaluation for an official diagnosis as a diagnosis is the first step to getting help!
If you found these tips helpful, then you are on the right track to learning about the impact of an ADD or ADHD diagnosis. Keep in mind that an ADD or ADHD diagnosis does not mean your life is over! There are a number of tools available to individuals suffering from ADD or ADHD, but in order to access these tools, an individual must go through the proper channels to obtain a diagnosis. If you or a loved one suffer from (or think you suffer from) ADD or ADHD start by following the steps above. First, don’t be intimidated by the diagnosis! Second, pay close attention to young boys as they are more common (than girls) to receive an ADHD diagnosis. Lastly, if you’re an adult just be sure to listen to your body and reach out for help if needed! All in all, don’t be afraid to ask for help – try reaching out to a testing center today, in order to take a neuropsychological evaluation and receive a proper diagnosis!