Sometimes it is easier to hide.
On the first day of summer when all of your friends are out skiing at the lake, you can hide it.
At the outdoor concert when everyone has been baking in the sun for hours while they wait for the top band to come on stage, you can hide it.
After finishing the three mile long bike ride that takes you through scenic trails and wooden bridges, you can hide it.
During the move out of your college dorm when the air conditioners are completely ineffective, you can hide it.
Other times, it is impossible to hide.
As the entire room sits silently in the 300-person lecture hall taking the last exam of the semester, you cannot hide it.
When the whole sorority is gathered together in an air conditioned section of the library getting ready for a community service project, you cannot hide it.
At Christmas Eve service when the whole family is dressed in their finest for evening mass, you cannot hide it.
On the first date watching a movie at the theater with the man your dreams, you cannot hide it.
Excessive sweating is an embarrassing and impossible to conceal condition. although there are some times in your life When everyone else is hot and dripping buckets of perspiration you can sometimes forget for a moment that you have an awful condition that makes you feel uncomfortable and look unattractive. Most of the time, however, your hyperhidrosis is painfully obvious.
Hyperhidrosis Treatments Help Many Patients Control Their Excessive Sweating
The average person has somewhere between 2 to f million sweat glands. These crucial body parts work as the body?s coolant system and keep it from overheating. For patients with hyperhidrosis, however, it is impossible to stop excessive body sweating. These unfortunate individuals sweat through their clothing, soak the soles of their shoes, and shy away from hand holding or hand shaking because they are embarrassed by their wet palms.
Fortunately, hyperhidrosis treatments help many patients find relief from this difficult to hide condition. Treatments for hyperhidrosis are medically provided to patients who seek help from either their dermatologists or family physicians.
Through the use of iontophoresis machines, these sufferers are directed to use trays that provide very low current electrical pulses to hands and feet that are submerged in water. Through continued use, many patients see a significant decrease in the amount of perspiration that they excrete. Although the initial treatments need to be conducted quite frequently, patients are eventually able to see results with fewer and fewer treatments.
More specifically, iontophoresis, or a “no-sweat machine,” requires somewhere between six to 10 treatments to successfully shut down the sweat glands. Individual iontophoresis therapy sessions last approximately 10 to 20 minutes.
Some Patients Learn to Control Excessive Sweating with Hyperhidrosis Treatments
The 8 million Americans who have the condition called hyperhidrosis sweat four to five times as much as the average person. Through no fault of their own, they sweat uncontrollably in even the least strenuous of situations. Wearing light weight clothing, thinking calm thoughts, and using the strongest of anti antiperspirants does nothing to limit the outbreaks of this condition. Clothes are soaked and as a result embarrassingly strong body odor occurs. Without medical treatment many of these hyperhidrosis patients find it difficult to meet new people, to interview for new jobs, and to calmly speak in front of a crowd. with treatment, many of these difficult tasks become possible.
Who Can Benefit from Hyperhidrosis Treatments?
The hyperhidrosis affects both men and women equally, and it most commonly occurs among people between the ages of 25 to 64 years. In about 30% to 50% of its occurrences, another family member is also afflicted by hyperhidrosis. This percentage implies a genetic predisposition. And while it may be comforting to have a family member who can relate to the condition, their sympathy does nothing to help the condition. In fact, without treatment, some hyperhidrosis patients suffer silently and find themselves missing out on social gatherings and career opportunities to avoid exposing their condition.
On the other hand, patients who seek medical assistance and try hyperhidrosis treatments as often as once or twice a week in the beginning see some positive results. What are you waiting for?