3 Common Ways People Fall into Opioid Addiction

Substance abuse is one of the most exceedingly growing problems currently plaguing society. Even though raising awareness of the problem is terribly important, exposure to drugs can come in so many different forms that it sometimes seems impossible to cover them all. In recent years, opioids have proven to be some of the most aggressively addictive substances in circulation. They are mainly consumed in two different forms: pharmaceutical pain medication, or by injecting heroin. An estimated 1.9 million Americans are suffering from opioid abuse or dependence, with another 517,000 living with a heroin addiction. So how does someone come to …

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3 Reasons Lice Removal is Extremely Important

Head lice, or Pediculus humanus capitis as it’s known medically, is an obligate ectoparasite of humans. By definition they are wingless insects that spend their entire lives on the human scalp and feed exclusively on human blood. It kind of goes without saying, but preventing and getting rid of lice if you do get them should be a pretty big concern to people. It’s unknown exactly how many people get head lice each year in the United States; however, an estimated six million to 12 million infestations occur each year among children three to 11 years of age in the …

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