The Importance of Clinical Trials to Develop New Drugs and Medical Procedures

In order to develop new drugs and medical procedures, researchers need to conduct clinical trials. As a result, there are a large number of these trials that take place within the United States. A recent survey on this topic revealed, however, that approximately 96% of the participants had never participated in a clinical trial. This is interesting to note, as roughly 46% of the participants believed that clinical trials were valuable to the health care system. Furthermore, these individuals also indicated that they considered clinical trial participation to be the equivalent of donating blood. When people participate in medical research …

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How A Weekly Trip To The Spa Can Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke

When’s the last time you treated yourself to a massage? This isn’t the equivalent to an indulgent candy bar or tacking on an extra Netflix episode to your watch list when you should be going to bed. Massages are a proven health boon that can see you gradually improving your life little-by-little when you invest in weekly or bi-weekly sessions. Americans are well-known for being a stressed bunch and studies only continue to show the long-term ramifications of ignoring your stress rates. There are a myriad of benefits you can get from a massage. Here are just five of them …

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