Fertility Clinics Offer a Number of Services

It is difficult to imagine that you are having a conversation with your husband and youngest daughter about a recent article you read about college preparedness. It seems like only yesterday that you were dealing with doctor’s appointments and infertility procedures. And while these conversations about how you think that your youngest daughter is showing her readiness through her medical and behavioral health, academics, and administrative tasks, it is difficult to get yourself ready. Fertility experts can help you achieve a viable pregnancy, but they may not prepare you for being a parent. Likewise, fostering independence in your children may …

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Exploring the Link Between the Standard American Diet and Infertile

Are you one of millions of women who are infertile? If so, there’s no reason to feel ashamed, alone, embarrassed, or even frustrated. While these and many more feelings are quite natural to experience when facing such a trying condition, advances in modern medicine have given way to a plethora of highly effective and non-invasive infertility procedures and infertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization, also commonly referred to as IVF treatments. Fertility is a fact of life that has both fascinated and perplexed mankind since the beginning of time, with the creation of myths of many prominent ancient civilizations …

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