Why it Pays to Know When to Go to a Family Urgent Care Center

Everyone knows that mistakes can be costly, but did you know that medical mistakes can be particularly costly? This is especially true when it comes to deciding when and where to seek the appropriate medical are. Making the mistake of going to an emergency room for a medical condition that could have easily been treated at a family urgent care facility can cost you far more money than necessary. Similarly, making the mistake of going to an family urgent care clinic for a medical condition that actually requires emergency services can be costly in a very different, no less impactful …

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Ill or Injured After Hours or on the Weekend? Maybe an Urgent Care Center Is the Place to Go

Most of us have experienced something like this. It is 6:30 pm on a Friday and your seven year old daughter fell playing soccer. She hurt her left knee, what do you do? Or, it is 2:00 pm on Saturday and you fell racing down a tennis ball. You got to it in time but in your pivot back, slipped and now your ankle really hurts, what do you do? You would like to call your primary care doctor. You would like to call the pediatrician. The rub is that you can call them but they will not be able …

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